Guy Fawkes was a member of a group of English Roman Catholic revolutionaries who planned to carry out the Gunpowder Plot. In 1570, he was born in York. His family was Protestant, but he met Society of Jesus and became a Catholic. In 1593, he went to Spain and joined the Spanish army. In 1604, Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter and John Wright planned to kill James the First. Guy Fawkes was recruited by them, so he joined. In 1605, the gunpowder that was set under ground was discovered, and he and his partner were arrested. In 1606, he was taken to court for trial and he was tortured and killed.
Now the people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th. During the celebration, children said "A penny for the Guy." and use the money to make dolls called guys. In the evening, there are fireworks displays throughout the country. The guys are burned on great bonfires at these displays.
It is trivia here. His name was the origin of guy.
Now the people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th. During the celebration, children said "A penny for the Guy." and use the money to make dolls called guys. In the evening, there are fireworks displays throughout the country. The guys are burned on great bonfires at these displays.
It is trivia here. His name was the origin of guy.